How to Hermetically Seal Around Return Air Grilles in a Duct System

Learn how to hermetically seal around return air grilles in a duct system with putty sealant or aluminum foil tape for improved energy efficiency.

How to Hermetically Seal Around Return Air Grilles in a Duct System

The best way to ensure your air conditioning system is energy-efficient is to hermetically seal the trunk ducts, where the ducts connect to the floor, ceiling, or wall. To do this, apply putty sealant to any cracks or leaks. It's important to keep an eye on your home's ducts, especially if they pass through the attic or basement. With a little effort, you can easily prevent costly air leaks in duct covers and keep your air conditioning system running efficiently. Aluminum foil tape is a fast and easy way to fix major leaks (larger than ¼ inch) in duct covers.

Since ducts are often hidden in walls, ceilings, attics, and basements, repairing them can be difficult. But did you know that your air conditioning system can also be a major source of energy waste? Studies have shown that up to 40% of the energy used by air conditioning systems is lost through ducts.Hermetic sealing is the process of sealing any crack or space in the house envelope that allows air to escape. Hermetically seal the roof or floor duct covers of an existing home to reduce air leaks to or from the conditioned space and minimize the ingress of unconditioned and unfiltered air. If you're interested in improving your home's energy efficiency, contact an HVAC professional. Professionally sealed comfort supply systems are significantly airtight at all joints and connections.

For more information on sealing ducts, see the guides Sealed and Insulated Flexible Ducts, Metal Ducts, and Fiberboard Ducts. HVAC duct professionals have the experience and knowledge needed to do the job correctly, and they can also provide advice on other ways to improve your home's energy efficiency. Duct leaks can not only increase energy bills but also cause your HVAC system to operate less efficiently. Hermetically seal around all ducts and smoke ducts installed in ceilings, walls, and floors to prevent air conditioning from entering unconditioned spaces. Over time, the insulation surrounding these ducts can be damaged or degraded, leading to drafts and energy losses. To avoid this, it's important to inspect your home's ducts regularly for any signs of damage or wear and tear. Sealing around return air grilles is an important part of maintaining an efficient HVAC system.

To ensure that your home's ducts are properly sealed around return air grilles, use a high-quality putty sealant or aluminum foil tape. This will help reduce energy loss and keep your HVAC system running smoothly. When sealing around return air grilles, it's important to make sure that all cracks and gaps are filled completely. If there are any gaps or cracks that are too large for putty sealant or aluminum foil tape, use a foam sealant instead. This will help ensure that no air escapes from the ducts.

Additionally, make sure that all seams are sealed tightly so that no air can escape through them. Sealing around return air grilles is an important part of keeping your HVAC system running efficiently. By using high-quality putty sealant or aluminum foil tape, you can help reduce energy loss and keep your HVAC system running smoothly for years to come.