A Comprehensive Guide to Sealing Around Transitions in a Duct System

Learn how to properly seal around transitions in a duct system to maintain your home's energy efficiency and improve air quality.

A Comprehensive Guide to Sealing Around Transitions in a Duct System

Maintaining the energy efficiency of your home is essential for a comfortable living environment. Most homeowners don't think about sealing their home's air ducts, but it is a crucial step to achieving this goal. In this article, we will discuss how to properly seal around transitions in a duct system. The first step is to secure the insulation with short strips of aluminum tape.

This will help you balance the air temperature in your home and improve air quality. Transitions are now available in galvanized, aluminum, stainless steel and stainless+ with the optional number. Rectangle-to-round transitions are ideal for transitioning from round to rectangular ducts or for use as a hood. To prevent air from escaping before it reaches the intended room, make sure the ducts are sealed, either the traditional way (with adhesive tape, putty, and insulating material) or by hiring a professional to blow a liquid rubber sealant through the system. Using a fan, professionals will spray the inside of the duct system with a liquid rubber sealant, which will cover all holes, cracks, and joints that leak air. They will then pressurize the duct system with a fan and use a computer to analyze the data to determine the amount of air leaving the ducts. In addition, if the leaking ducts are located in spaces filled with dust or dirt, those contaminants can be absorbed by the system and distributed throughout the house.

To prevent these situations from occurring, make sure the ducts are sealed properly. Sealing ducts from the inside out is a much more complicated process and will likely require hiring a professional. However, having them properly sealed will help you maintain your home's energy efficiency and improve air quality.